MIDL FAQ on the Covid-19 pandemic
We, and the Canadian authorities, are monitoring the Covid-19 pandemic closely, and are taking steps so the event can go fully online if needed. In any case, the accepted papers will be published.
Since the situation is rapidly evolving, we will keep the MIDL community updated and will take any measure required to protect everyone's health and safety.
This page is an attempt to answer frequently asked questions about the issue, and to provide an updated overview of the situation, and its impact on MIDL. For any other question, the organizers can be reached at [email protected].
Is MIDL 2020 canceled ?
No. It will instead go fully virtual.
I have an accepted paper. How will I present it?
We are currently developing solutions so that MIDL can mostly take place online, in an interactive way.
Authors of accepted papers will receive detailed instructions in the coming weeks, but they can already expect to record their oral presentation.
Will the event be streamed ?
Yes, as in the previous years. The technical details are not finalized yet, but anyone will be able to watch the talks for free, from anywhere.
We are also developing remote participation options. Many other events have been impacted and we expect to learn from their experience.
Are challenges canceled ?
No. They will be 100% online.