S211 - An ENAS Based Approach for Constructing Deep Learning Models for Breast Cancer Recognition from Ultrasound Images

Mohammed Ahmed, Hongbo Du, Alaa AlZoubi

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Deep Convolutional Neural Networks (CNN) provides an \"end-to-end\" solution for image pattern recognition with impressive performance in many areas of application including medical imaging. Most CNN models of high performance use hand-crafted network architectures that require expertise in CNNs to utilise their potentials. In this paper, we applied the Efficient Neural Architecture Search (ENAS) method to find optimal CNN architectures for classifying breast lesions from ultrasound (US) images. Our empirical study with a dataset of 524 US images shows that the optimal models generated by ENAS achieve an average accuracy of 89.3%, surpassing other hand-crafted alternatives. Furthermore, the models are simpler in complexity and more efficient. Our study demonstrates that the ENAS approach to CNN model design is a promising direction for classifying ultrasound images of breast lesions.
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Poster Session #5 - 9:30 - 11:00 UTC-4 (Wednesday)
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